HomeBlogData-Enabled Solutions Can Turn Your Office Into A Collaborative Space

Data-Enabled Solutions Can Turn Your Office Into A Collaborative Space

May 26, 2020
The shift in working styles amidst COVID-19 has made it essential for businesses to have seamless communication within and across teams, ensuring effective workflow and increased productivity.

The shift in working styles amidst COVID-19 has made it essential for businesses to have seamless communication within and across teams, ensuring effective workflow and increased productivity. Companies can create a conducive and collaborative office environment with simple, yet smart data-enabled solutions.

Here’s a look at 3 practical and commercially available data-enabled solutions that business owners and organizations can get started with.

Cloud Document Management

By using cloud storage solutions, employees can access their files securely anywhere and from any device.

This will allow teams to work together on the same document, no matter where they are while staying updated on real-time changes and developments. By linking their network to printers and scanners in the office, employees can view incoming faxes and scanned documents, even when they’re not in the office.

Using cloud storage solutions also removes the need for print servers - allowing employees to print from any device, reducing administrative work for the company. The data stored across the cloud makes it convenient for employees to access necessary files and documents, which are not tied to a specific location with ease, increasing collaboration with everyone in the organization.

Smart Mobile Access Office and Surveillance

Instead of using a key or an access card, smart offices use digital keys are generated automatically and accessed via a smartphone. With a solution like this, offices can reduce the security personnel needed while greatly enhancing security.

Smart mobile key access solutions like GTRIIP can verify users more quickly and accurately by using Artificial Intelligence to process facial data, reducing human error. Management will also be able to review access information from smartphones or tablets, allowing them to monitor the office with ease.

This keeps employees safe, creates a conducive work environment that gives employees peace of mind, raises employee morale, boosts productivity, and increases work quality.

Self-Sufficient Office

Amenities in the office, such as plants and coffee machines, can improve employee wellbeing and comfort. However, they also take time to care for and maintain, which can be difficult to assign in an office with rotating remote employees.  Smart technologies collect data from sensors that monitor and track soil conditions, which sends reminders when the plants need to be watered. Another solution available in the market forgoes the need to water plants altogether, by automatically watering itself periodically.

Coffee and vending machines that can track user behavior and preemptively schedule cleaning sessions are also available. Some may even be able to automatically reorder supplies when they are low, based on real-time data collected. These simple solutions create a conducive work environment and making employees more productive.


By analyzing office data, smart office solutions can create a more convenient and supportive environment for employees. Business owners see the value in making their office space more conducive and collaborative for employees in the long haul as businesses refocus and shift during this time.

Smart technology powered by data is already being used by next-generation offices to help teams interact and stay productive. These readily available solutions can help businesses transform their offices into a collaboration hub - not just for employees that are physically present, but also for remote workers in their teams.

To find out more about equipping your office with the solutions mentioned above, you can read more about our office solutions: https://www.gtriip.com/office

If you’d like to see how GTRIIP can enhance your current workspace to a contactless environment, talk to us by reaching out to one of our consultants through this link: https://www.gtriip.com/consult-with-us/

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